Your Backstage Pass To The UpStage Brand

This resource serves as the definitive authority on our brand identity, providing clear and consistent guidelines for visual and verbal communication across all digital platforms. From color palettes and typography to tone of voice and messaging, this style guide ensures that our brand is represented accurately and effectively, fostering a cohesive and professional digital presence that aligns with our company values and mission.

Our Brand

About UpStage Technologies

Our users need the best tools and a provider that will have their backs. That’s why they choose us.

Our goal is to help clients improve constituent relationships and grow revenue. UpStage simplifies without dumbing down features so you can stay connected to patrons, streamline processes, and improve profitability. More Information

Core Values

What brings us together, guides us forward. Our core values guide everything we do as a company and as people. We strive to bring out the best in one another, deliver success to our customers, and inspire the entire industry through our actions.

Customer Success, Innovation, Trust, and Equality are the cornerstones of our values. More Information

Our Culture

UpStage provides a hyper-supportive environment where ideas build incrementally using a collaborative approach. Our processes focus on group momentum instead of individual end results to generate something greater than if one single member influenced decisions or opinions.

More Information

The Mission

UpStage Technologies is a company dedicated to building cutting edge CRM, ticketing, and website software designed especially for arts and culture organizations.

Designed from the ground up as a fully managed, serverless cloud platform solution, our software is designed to be used by organizations of any budget size. Our mission is nothing less than disrupting the arts and culture sector to change consumer behavior, expand revenue streams, and transform lives for good. More Information


Alternate Colors

The landscape and stacked version of the logo are available in both color and monochrome versions for maximum flexibility.

Landscape Black
Landscape Primary
Landscape White
Stacked Black
Stacked Primary
Stacked White


The UpStage Technologies logomark is a simplified version of the primary logo, focusing solely on the iconic abstract graphic that represents a rising stage or upward trajectory. This versatile element captures the essence of the brand and can be used independently in various applications where space is limited or a minimalist approach is desired. The logomark is available in both color and monochrome versions for maximum flexibility.

Reverse Black

Primary Colors

Our brand identity is defined by a vibrant and dynamic color palette. These core colors should be used consistently across all marketing materials and digital platforms to create a cohesive and recognizable brand experience.

Hex – #362059
RGB – 54, 32, 89
Hex – #B52BFF
RGB – 181, 43, 255
Hex – #0E0A3E
RGB – 14, 10, 62
Hex – #070200
RGB – 7, 2, 0



Website Colors

Our website color palette is designed to create a clean, modern, and engaging user experience. The palette consists of a neutral base with pops of vibrant accent colors.



Blue Gradient – Linear 140deg, #3832b8, #2c51f5
Purple Gradient – Linear 140deg, #60089c, #3832b8


UpStage’s typeface is Poppins by Jonny Pinhorn, Ninad Kale. The following weights are used:

Poppins- 300

Poppins – 400

Poppins – 500

Poppins- 600

Poppins- 700


H1 | Poppins | 700 | clamp(3.125rem, 0.982vw + 2.871rem, 4.375rem) | Color (headline)

Your Patrons Are Used To Buying Experiences From Amazon, Google, And Apple, So Why Would You Give Them Anything Less?

H2 | Poppins | 400 | clamp(2rem, 0.786vw + 1.797rem, 3rem) | Color (headline)

Your Patrons Are Used To Buying Experiences From Amazon, Google, And Apple, So Why Would You Give Them Anything Less?

H3 | Poppins | 400 | clamp(1.563rem, 0.54vw + 1.423rem, 2.25rem) | Color (headline)

Your Patrons Are Used To Buying Experiences From Amazon, Google, And Apple, So Why Would You Give Them Anything Less?

H4 | Poppins | 400| clamp(1.25rem, 0.393vw + 1.148rem, 1.75rem) | Color (headline)

Your Patrons Are Used To Buying Experiences From Amazon, Google, And Apple, So Why Would You Give Them Anything Less?


Body | Poppins | 400 | Desktop & Tablet clamp(1.125rem, 0.098vw + 1.1rem, 1.25rem) | Color (headline)

Your Patrons Are Used To Buying Experiences From Amazon, Google, And Apple, So Why Would You Give Them Anything Less?

Our Software Gives Patrons The Experience They Expect While Offering Powerful Ticketing, Fundraising, And Membership Features That Are Easy To Use For You And Them.

Connect With Patrons. Streamline Processes. Increase Revenue.



Poppins | 400 | clamp(1.125rem, 0.098vw + 1.1rem, 1.25rem) | Color (button) | Padding .75rem 1.25rem | Border 1rem
Primary Button Secondary Button
Poppins | 400 | clamp(1.125rem, 0.098vw + 1.1rem, 1.25rem) | Color (button)
Text & Icon Link


Social Media

Profile Images

Logomark should be 50% of the image size

Banner Images

LinkedIn 1128 x 191

UpStage Technologies